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Iron Foundry

if_release is the main repository for all of Iron Foundry. It contains all of the other required repositories as submodules, which allows this single repository to be cloned to give you access to all of the Iron Foundry code.

Buildpack for .NET

cloudfoundry-buildpack-clr is an implementation of the Heroku buildpack API for .NET apps. The README contains instructions for adding the buildpack to your CloudFoundry environment. NOTE: this buildpack requires the IronFoundry DEA to actually execute .NET apps.

Iron Foundry Service Broker

if-service-broker Service Broker is a Microsoft .NET based service broker for Cloud Foundry v2. It uses WebAPI to host the services. The service broker ships with one service for Microsoft SQL Server. This service will provision databases and users for applications. It can be extended to include any plans you want to offer.

The broker assumes SQL Server 2012. It uses Contained Databases, which is new functionality in SQL Server 2012.